Top HTML Interview Questions with Answers

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Preparing for an HTML interview? You’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ve compiled a curated list of HTML interview questions and answers to help you ace your interview. Whether you’re a beginner looking to grasp the basics or an experienced developer aiming to sharpen your skills, these questions will not only test your knowledge but also provide valuable insights into the world of HTML. Let’s dive in and boost your confidence for that upcoming interview!

HTML interview questions

1. What is HTML, and what does it stand for?

Answer: HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the standard markup language used to create web pages and display content on the World Wide Web. It is the foundational technology for building websites and web applications. HTML consists of a set of elements and tags that structure and format content on a web page.

2. What are Tags in HTML?

Answer: In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), tags are the fundamental building blocks used to structure and format content on a web page. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (“<” and “>”) and come in pairs: an opening tag and a closing tag. The opening tag marks the beginning of an element, and the closing tag marks its end. The content to be affected by the tag is placed between these opening and closing tags. Tags are not case-sensitive, meaning you can use uppercase or lowercase letters, but it is a common convention to use lowercase letters for tags in HTML.

Here’s the basic structure of an HTML tag:


3. Do all HTML tags need an ending tag?

Answer: No, not all HTML tags have an end tag. HTML tags are categorized into two main types based on whether they require an end tag:

Paired Tags (with both opening and closing tags): These tags always come in pairs, with an opening tag and a corresponding closing tag. They enclose content between them, and the content is affected by the tag.


<p>This is a paragraph of text.</p>
In this example, the <p> tag has both an opening <p> and a closing </p> tag.
Self-Closing Tags (or Void Tags): These tags do not require a corresponding closing tag because they are self-contained. They are used to insert standalone elements like images, line breaks, and input fields. Self-closing tags are typically written with a trailing slash before the closing angle bracket (e.g., <img> or <br>).
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description"> <br> <input type="text" name="username">
In these examples, the <img>, <br>, and <input> tags are self-closing and do not need a separate closing tag.


4. What is Formatting in HTML?

Answer: Formatting in HTML refers to the way you present and style the content on a web page. It includes various techniques and HTML elements used to control the appearance of text, images, and other elements on the page. Formatting allows you to make your web content visually appealing and structured for better readability. Some common formatting aspects in HTML include:

  1. Text Formatting: HTML provides tags for making text bold (<strong>), italic (<em>), underlined (<u>), and for changing text color, font size, and font family.
  2. Headings: HTML offers six levels of heading tags (<h1> to <h6>) to structure the content hierarchically and indicate the importance of each section.
  3. Paragraphs: The <p> tag is used to define paragraphs, separating blocks of text for easier reading.
  4. Lists: You can create ordered lists (<ol>) with numbered items or unordered lists (<ul>) with bulleted items using <li> (list item) tags.
  5. Line Breaks: The <br> tag creates line breaks, allowing you to control the line spacing within paragraphs or between elements.
  6. Block-Level and Inline Elements: HTML elements are categorized as block-level or inline. Block-level elements start on a new line and create a block of content (e.g., <p>, <div>), while inline elements flow within the text (e.g., <span>, <strong>).
  7. Alignment: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is commonly used for aligning elements, but HTML attributes like align can be used for basic alignment of images and text.
  8. Quotations: HTML provides tags for marking up quotations, such as <blockquote> for block quotes and <q> for inline quotes.
  9. Horizontal Rules: The <hr> tag inserts a horizontal line or rule, separating content sections.
  10. Tables: Tables (<table>) can be used to organize and format data into rows and columns, and various attributes can control table alignment and borders.
  11. Forms: HTML form elements like <input>, <textarea>, and <select> have attributes for controlling their appearance and layout.
  12. Images: Images can be resized and aligned using HTML attributes like width and height or by applying CSS styles.

Formatting in HTML is often combined with CSS for more advanced and precise control over the appearance of web content. CSS allows web developers to define styles in a separate stylesheet and apply them consistently across multiple web pages, enhancing the overall design and presentation of a website.

5. How many types of headings are there in HTML?

Answer: HTML includes six levels of headings, from <h1> (the highest) to <h6> (the lowest).

6. How can you make a hyperlink in HTML?

Answer: To create a hyperlink in HTML, you can use the <a> (anchor) element. Here’s how to do it:

<a href="">Link Text</a>

Here’s a breakdown of this code:

  • <a>: This is the opening tag of the anchor element.
  • href="": This is the attribute href, which specifies the URL or web address to which the hyperlink points. Replace "" with the URL you want to link to.
  • Link Text: This is the text or content that will be displayed on the web page and serve as the clickable link. You can replace it with the text you want for your link.

When a user clicks on the “Link Text,” they will be taken to the URL specified in the href attribute.

7. Which HTML tag is used to show information in a table?

Answer: The <table> element in HTML is used to create tables, which are a structured way of presenting data in rows and columns. Tables are commonly used to organize and display data in a tabular format, such as spreadsheets or grids.

Here’s how to use the <table> element:

  1. Opening and Closing Tags: The <table> element has an opening tag <table> and a closing tag </table>. Everything related to the table structure should be placed between these tags.
  2. Table Rows (<tr>): Inside the <table>, you define rows using the <tr> (table row) element. Each row contains one or more table cells (<td> or <th> elements).
  3. Table Cells (<td> and <th>): Within each table row (<tr>), you use <td> (table data) elements to create regular data cells, and <th> (table header) elements to create header cells. Header cells are typically used for column or row headings and are often bold and centered.

Here’s an example of a simple HTML table:

    <th>Header 1</th>
    <th>Header 2</th>
    <td>Data 1</td>
    <td>Data 2</td>
    <td>Data 3</td>
    <td>Data 4</td>

In this example:

  • The <table> element defines the start of the table.
  • Two rows (<tr>) are created. The first row contains header cells (<th>), and the subsequent rows contain data cells (<td>).
  • The table headers are “Header 1” and “Header 2.”
  • The data cells contain “Data 1,” “Data 2,” “Data 3,” and “Data 4.”

When rendered in a web browser, this HTML code will display a table with two columns and three rows.

You can further enhance the table’s appearance and functionality by using CSS for styling and JavaScript for interactivity. Additionally, HTML provides attributes for controlling table borders, alignment, and other table-specific features, allowing you to customize the table to suit your needs.

8. What are some typical lists used in webpage design?

Answer: Common types of lists used when designing a webpage include:

Ordered Lists (<ol>): Ordered lists are used for items that have a specific order or sequence. They are represented with numbers or letters, such as “1. Item 1,” “2. Item 2,” and so on.


  <li>First item</li>
  <li>Second item</li>
  <li>Third item</li>

Unordered Lists (<ul>): Unordered lists are used for items that do not have a specific order or sequence. They are typically represented with bullet points, such as “• Item 1,” “• Item 2,” and so forth.



Definition Lists (<dl>): Definition lists are used for defining terms or glossaries. They consist of term-definition pairs created with <dt> (definition term) and <dd> (definition description) elements.


  <dd>Hypertext Markup Language</dd>
  <dd>Cascading Style Sheets</dd>

These examples demonstrate how to use ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists in HTML to organize and present content in different ways on webpages.

9. How do HTML elements differ from HTML tags?

Answer: HTML Elements and HTML Tags are related but serve different purposes:

  1. HTML Tags:
    • HTML tags are the fundamental building blocks of an HTML document.
    • They are enclosed in angle brackets (< and >) and consist of a tag name (e.g., <p>, <a>, <img>).
    • Tags are used to define the structure and elements of an HTML page.
    • Tags can be either paired or self-closing (void) tags.
    • Paired tags have both opening (<tag>) and closing (</tag>) parts, while self-closing tags (e.g., <img>) do not require a closing tag.
  2. HTML Elements:
    • HTML elements are formed by combining HTML tags, along with their content, if any, and attributes.
    • An HTML element includes the opening tag, the content (if applicable), and the closing tag (for paired elements).
    • Elements represent structured components on a web page, such as paragraphs, headings, links, images, and more.
    • Elements are what web browsers interpret to render the web page and apply styles and behaviors.
    • Elements encompass the complete structure and functionality of the web page, not just the tag itself.

In summary, HTML tags are the individual markers that define the type of content or structure within an HTML document, while HTML elements are the combination of tags, content, and attributes that form the actual components and building blocks of a web page. Tags are like the instructions, and elements are the results of following those instructions when constructing a webpage.

10. What does the term “semantic HTML” mean?

Answer: Semantic HTML refers to the practice of using HTML elements in a way that conveys the meaning and structure of the content they enclose. It involves choosing HTML elements based on their intended purpose and the significance of the content they represent. Semantic HTML helps both web browsers and assistive technologies (such as screen readers) understand the content and present it in a meaningful way to users.

Some key points about semantic HTML:

  1. Meaningful Elements: Semantic HTML includes elements like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <section>, <aside>, <footer>, <figure>, and others that describe the role and purpose of the content they enclose.
  2. Accessibility: Semantic HTML improves web accessibility by providing clear structure and context to assistive technologies, making it easier for users with disabilities to navigate and understand web content.
  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engines use semantic HTML to better understand the content and context of web pages, which can positively impact a website’s search engine ranking.
  4. Readability and Maintainability: Semantic HTML makes code more readable and maintainable because it conveys the intended structure and purpose of the content without relying solely on styling or non-semantic elements.

Here’s an example of semantic HTML usage:

  <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
      <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
      <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>
    <h2>Latest News</h2>
    <p>Read our latest articles about technology trends.</p>
    <h2>Featured Products</h2>
    <p>Explore our top products and offers.</p>
  <p>&copy; 2023 My Website</p>

In this example, semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <section>, and <footer> are used to define the structure and purpose of various sections within the web page, making it more semantically meaningful.

11. What does the term “image map” refer to?

Answer: An image map is a web development technique that allows different regions within a single image to be clickable, linking to different destinations or performing various actions when clicked. Instead of using individual images or buttons, an image map divides an image into distinct clickable areas, each defined with specific coordinates. These areas are associated with hyperlinks or JavaScript actions, enabling users to interact with different parts of the image.

Image maps are particularly useful for creating interactive diagrams, navigation menus, or custom clickable graphics on web pages. They are commonly implemented using HTML <map> and <area> elements, where the <map> element defines the map and the <area> elements define the clickable regions within the image.

Here’s a simplified example of an HTML image map:

<img src="diagram.png" alt="Interactive Diagram" usemap="#diagram-map">
<map name="diagram-map">
  <area shape="rect" coords="50,50,150,150" href="page1.html" alt="Region 1">
  <area shape="circle" coords="250,100,50" href="page2.html" alt="Region 2">
  <area shape="poly" coords="350,50,400,100,300,150" href="page3.html" alt="Region 3">

In this example:

  • An image (<img>) is displayed with an associated image map (usemap="#diagram-map").
  • The image map is defined using the <map> element with the name attribute (name="diagram-map").
  • Three clickable areas (<area>) are defined within the image using different shapes (rectangle, circle, and polygon) and specific coordinates (coords) to specify their boundaries.
  • Each <area> has an associated hyperlink (href) that links to different web pages when clicked.

When users interact with the image, clicking on one of the defined regions will navigate them to the specified destination or perform a specified action. This way, image maps enhance user engagement and provide a dynamic way to present information or enable navigation within a single image.

12. How can I add a copyright symbol to a web page in a browser?

Answer: To insert a copyright symbol (©) on a web page in a browser, you can follow these steps:

  1. HTML Entity Code: In your HTML code, you can use the HTML entity code for the copyright symbol, which is &copy;. Simply insert &copy; where you want the copyright symbol to appear on your web page.
  2. HTML Decimal Code: Alternatively, you can use the decimal code for the copyright symbol, which is &#169;. This code will also display the copyright symbol when placed in your HTML content.
  3. HTML Hexadecimal Code: You can use the hexadecimal code for the copyright symbol, which is &#xA9;, to display it on your web page.

Here’s an example of how to use these codes in your HTML:

<p>&copy; 2023 Your Company Name. All rights reserved.</p>

This will display the copyright symbol followed by the year and your company name on your web page. Make sure to replace “Your Company Name” and “2023” with your actual information.

Remember that HTML codes are case-insensitive, so you can use either &copy;, &COPY;, &#169;, or &#xA9; to achieve the same result.

13. How do I make a webpage within another webpage using HTML?

Answer: To create a nested webpage in HTML, you can use HTML iframes (inline frames). Here’s how you can do it:

HTML Iframe Element: Use the <iframe> element to embed a webpage within another webpage. You’ll need to specify the source (URL) of the nested webpage using the src attribute.

<iframe src="nested.html" width="500" height="300"></iframe>

In this example, replace "nested.html" with the URL or relative path to the webpage you want to nest. You can also adjust the width and height attributes to set the dimensions of the nested iframe.

Adjusting Attributes: You can further customize the iframe by adding attributes such as width, height, frameborder, scrolling, and more to control its appearance and behavior.

<iframe src="nested.html" width="500" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
  • width and height: Set the dimensions of the iframe.
  • frameborder: Controls whether a border is displayed around the iframe. Use frameborder="0" to remove the border.
  • scrolling: Determines whether scrollbars are displayed inside the iframe. Use scrolling="no" to hide them.

Content: The content of the nested webpage should be a separate HTML file (in this example, “nested.html”). You can create this file and include the content you want to display within the iframe.

Here’s a basic example of how you might structure your HTML files:

Parent Webpage (index.html):

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Nested Webpage Example</title>
    <h1>Main Webpage</h1>
    <iframe src="nested.html" width="500" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Nested Webpage (nested.html):

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Nested Webpage Content</title>
    <p>This is the content of the nested webpage.</p>

When you open “index.html” in a web browser, it will display the main webpage with the nested webpage embedded within it via the iframe.

14. How can you maintain the alignment of list elements in an HTML file?

Answer: To keep list elements aligned in an HTML file, you can use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for precise control over their presentation. Here are some common techniques:

Use CSS Styles: Define styles for your list elements using CSS. For example, you can set the margin and padding properties to control the spacing between list items and the text-align property to align the text within list items.

ul {
  list-style-type: disc; /* Type of bullet (e.g., disc, circle, square) */
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

li {
  margin-left: 20px; /* Adjust the left margin as needed */
  text-align: left; /* Alignment of the text within list items */

Use Flexbox or Grid: If you want more complex layouts, you can use CSS Flexbox or Grid to create custom layouts for your list elements.

HTML Structure: Ensure that your HTML structure is consistent. Use the appropriate list type (<ul> for unordered lists or <ol> for ordered lists) and nest lists correctly when needed.

Example HTML:

  <li>List item 1</li>
  <li>List item 2</li>
  <li>List item 3</li>

By using CSS styles and maintaining a consistent HTML structure, you can achieve proper alignment and presentation of list elements in your HTML file. Adjust the CSS properties according to your specific design requirements.

15. Can a hyperlink be limited to text alone?

Answer: No, a hyperlink is not limited to text alone. While text hyperlinks are common, you can also apply hyperlinks to various HTML elements, including images, buttons, or even entire div elements. This allows you to create interactive elements that users can click on to navigate to other web pages or resources. To create non-text hyperlinks, you typically use the <a> (anchor) element with appropriate HTML attributes like href.

For example:

<a href="">
     <img src="image.jpg" alt="Example Image">

In this example, the entire image becomes a clickable hyperlink that directs the user to the specified URL when clicked. So, hyperlinks are versatile and can apply to both text and various other HTML elements.

16. What does the term ‘style sheet’ refer to?

Answer: A style sheet, like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) or XSLT, sets rules for how a document or webpage looks. For instance, in CSS, you can define styles for elements, like making text blue and increasing font size:

p {
     color: blue;
     font-size: 16px;

17. What do you mean by ’empty elements’?

Answer: Empty elements, in the context of HTML and XML, are elements that do not have any content between an opening tag and a closing tag. Instead, they are self-contained and typically represented as a single tag.

For example, in HTML, the <br> tag for line breaks and the <img> tag for images are empty elements. They don’t require a closing tag and are written like this:

<br> <!-- Line break -->
<img src="example.jpg" alt="Example Image"> <!-- Image -->

These elements serve specific purposes within the document structure, and they don’t contain any text or additional elements between opening and closing tags.

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